Business Performance
Strengthen the core of your business
We combine deep industry knowledge with data-driven insight to increase your efficiency and improve your profitability.
Benchmarking and analytics
Get all the information you need to optimize your pharmacy business right at your fingertips. From quick-hit overviews to flexible dashboards with comprehensive details, we make sure you have the most important data points at your disposal, as well as expert insight to help you make the most of it.
Star Ratings
Find out how you're performing in the Star measures with this helpful monthly report, which outlines your patient count, adherence percentage and Star Rating in each key category. In one quick review, you can see exactly how far off you are from your 5-Star goals, so you know which medication-use measures need more of your attention. By examining this overview each month and taking action, you can strengthen your influence over adherence with a positive impact on your reimbursement.
Coaching Analytics
Our business coaches use patient data, as well as prescriber data, to identify key growth opportunities. They can help you target the appropriate groups that will have the biggest impact on your pharmacy business and then measure the results of your efforts so you can track your progress. Identifying these key customers is a crucial step to optimizing your performance ratings and your profitability.
InSite POS
See the front-end big picture with the InSite POS dashboard. This invaluable report delivers aggregated point-of-sale data, so you can track your profitability over time, broken down by basket or category. You can also compare prescription, over-the-counter and combined transactions, giving you a better understanding of your profit drivers at a glance. See how your 12-week averages and year-over-year sales data stack up to pharmacies of comparable size and patient count, so you know exactly where you have opportunities for improvement.
InSite 2.0
Learn what's driving the profitability of your pharmacy with comprehensive visibility from our proprietary analytics system. InSite 2.0 is a patient-centric platform that highlights key performance indicators and compares your pharmacy to similar businesses side by side. Armed with competitive metrics and extensive peer benchmarking capabilities, you'll be empowered to make data-driven business decisions that maximize your profitability.
Track your performance on the quality measures that are most important to health plans and make more meaningful patient interventions. By using the interactive EQuIPP dashboard to view your performance around medication safety and adherence compared to your peers, you can take the appropriate steps to better serve your patients and improve your Star Ratings. Leveraging these metrics and identifying the patients who are negatively impacting your performance will also help you increase patient retention and improve your reimbursement in return.
2,000+ pharmacies use InSite to help make smarter, data-driven business decisions
Optimized care and profitability in one package
Protecting Profitability
Make sure you’re getting the best reimbursement possible by reviewing proprietary analytics with your business coach. Our Suspect Claims report allows you to identify any claims that may have resulted in profit leakage due to pricing discrepancies or manual error, giving you the opportunity to correct it for future submissions. We also combine your data with that of your peers to aid in our payer contract negotiations and MAC challenges, which improves your reimbursement on the back end as well.
Inventory Management
Increase your operational efficiency with guidance from a business coach who can help you identify opportunities to maximize your inventory turns. Using a variety of reports and analytics, you’ll be able to calculate your current turnover rate and see how it’s impacted by slow-moving items, return-to-stock prescriptions, expired returns and workflow inefficiencies. Your coach will work with you to craft an action plan, monitor results and make adjustments as needed to ensure your pharmacy strikes the perfect balance between having too much and too little on the shelves.
Labor and Productivity
Reassess your productivity levels with the help of your business coach and take steps to manage the cost of your payroll—the biggest expense category in your pharmacy. Using benchmarks and other financial indicators, your coach will advise you on how you can operate more efficiently with a few simple adjustments to your labor costs, staff levels and store hours. Trouble getting and keeping employees? Your coach can provide helpful tips you can use to attract and retain the best talent.
Financial Management
Enhance your business performance by gaining a clearer understanding of the key profit drivers in your pharmacy. Your business coach will evaluate your financials, highlight areas of opportunity and benchmark your pharmacy against your peers so you have a baseline by which you can measure future success. With more visibility into your daily business practices, it’s easier to identify ways to increase revenue within your inventory, personnel and third-party reimbursement claims.
Get in touch
At Good Neighbor Pharmacy, our expert team is aligned in its commitment to your needs and the interests of independent pharmacies across the United States. Want to know more about how Good Neighbor Pharmacy can amplify your brand, simplify your business operations and protect your independence?